domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Asistente de la Telemedicina en el Campo

Por Dr. Emid Núñez Conde

Primera intervención Enero 2011

En el intento de educar a un grupo de voluntarios de la Salud para un trabajo de salud pública y motivarlos a tomar un curso de preparación.

Esta actividad se realizó en dos veces, la primera fue en 2011 en Puerto Rico a Haití, para presentarnos y saber que este es un trabajo, esta actividad es una actividad educativa a unos 350 kilómetros de distancia.

Cerca de 15 personas involucradas en el proyecto en su introducción fresco etapa inicial, en Inglés, francés y español.

Primera intervención:  Primera intervención: Reunión del 30 de enero de 2011, de Formación de Trabajadores de la Salud de la distancia 

Segunda Intervención Octubre 2011

La segunda intervención fue con los expertos en Salud Tula en la organización de la atención a pacientes en zonas remotas de Guatemala utilizando las tecnologías.

En este caso, la distancia era de Haití a Guatemala unos 1.200 kilómetros a la redonda y fueron capaces de comunicarse excelente.

Los voluntarios podrían recibir unos componentes del programa de conferencias y motivados a participar. Así que este trabajo nos proyecta capacitar a miles de personas a trabajar en sus comunidades y cumplir con los servicios de atención primaria en zonas sin recursos.

Ahora ve a la tercera etapa de la aplicación clínica de telemedicina práctica pediátrica estos voluntarios con un médico que vamos a entrenar para el uso de tecnologías avanzadas y la educación a distancia de alta fidelidad.

Segunda Intervención:  20 Telefacilitadores Ready En Haití Archaie 24 de octubre 2011

Le pedimos a Dios que nos dé recursos para ayudar a esta gente, estamos indignados de que en nuestra región hay nosotros tanta miseria y nos hacen la vista gorda.

Bueno, pero así es la vida. 

- EMID -

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Open School in Virtual Pedagogy and Construction Model

By Dr. Emid Núñez Conde

To make it operational in 2014 with a remote clinic in Haiti to Puerto Rico 350 miles from my hometown.

We need to keep an operation of a team of health workers to respond to medical treatments and diagnostic cases in the field of global missionary health.

For that we have designed a model for some work done where the same students create to maintain services and culture while learning to use technology as electronic infrastructure in the cloud.

In countries where there is little technology enhances the use of mobile technology, internet and others.

Team for Creative Table Working Design in health
 - in social networks to establish a process of debate and discussion group of virtual work tables.

Tools and Technology

tronic Records, Surveys And All Clinical Information - Use MAGPI scheduled for medical record information in telephony, also Google DocScribd, to safeguard intellectual or design documents clinical information, PowerPoint presentations in real time, .

Platform Video and Audio - You can connect from any device on a TV channel for live broadcasts, to be used for demonstrations and presentations, interviews.

Also for multiple teleconferences Google Hangouts privacy Premium encrypted to prevent privacy breaches.

System Biomedical and Biometric Analysis - Each system with its software to manually register electronically.

The Moodle system - Is the service platform and the platform response to the student receive all tasks here. exams and every subject they might interact with the instructor.

Google Translate - To the French translation.

Solution and Innovation

Classroom Presential and Classroom No Presential (Virtual) in the Cloud - will be built first classroom equipped with broadband, high-speed computer access, equipped with sound system including conference for the convenience of students.

Using Ipad, Tablets, Cell Phones, Computer Lap Tops - Each student can use your electronic device with Wifi.

Using Programs and Software - For the training for data collection of clinical data and medical records remotely.

Using High-Density Camera Resolution - To transfer images and data for mobile applications to validate results Scanners, recipes and laboratories.

Using social networks - For quick communication.

The New Era of Health Professionals

By Dr. Emid Núñez Conde


I think the use of technology in Information and Communications should be the avenue through which they are passing the new generation of health and medicine students.

Just not because it is something innovative but it can be a response that improves the quality of care and medical services to the present and the future.

The back channels of information are a real opportunity to enhance individual and collective skills of health teams who work in hospital and medical groups.

The new trends on ward teams in modern hospitals and health in the production skills required to improve elements such as electronic prescribing of medications.

Difficult cases in hospitals where more is required of a professional. These health workers maybe are not in person in the hospital in a moment that they be need. 

This is for the relevant importance that result in more agile coordination of emergency medical consultations specialists in real time and it is important that students in their classes begin to experience what is this health production improvements.

For more information you must read this article: Going Lean in Health Care

Sources: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2005

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Telemedicine Coalition of the Greater Caribbean 

By Dr. Emid Núñez Conde

To carry out scientific and technological work ahead and compensate for the lack of medical services in rural and remote areas will join the resources of the peoples of the Caribbean basin. 

The Greater Caribbean Basin comprises the countries are on the edge of the Caribbean Sea, with a population of approximately 200 million people with average poverty rate of over 40%, and poverty, public health and poor infrastructure deteriorated remotes areas. 

This gives us an opportunity to train health professionals and other resources related to the use of other countries for technological development in poor ares. 

Our mission is to build a school in Haiti while creating resources for health missions. To achieve this effect we make a school trainer certified 300 health workers who support in this task. 

This will be done through the use of Open School education in the cloud with face meeting in the territory of Haiti, with clinics giving support related medical service in the Dominican Republic. 

In my home country, Puerto Rico, with the institutional support of the medical schools and agricultural sciences, civil society, the Church and in Guatemala with the support of consultation with the prestigious training organization, entity as training Tula Salud  and primary general support us in building infrastructure. 

We did two tests telecommunication connection in Puerto Rico and doctors in Haiti, about 70 students attended the test simulating a remote teleconsultation very low budget, it was a success. 

It was shown that medical doctors and teachers as communications can be used to maximize the resources of this country almost absent and two nations were represented. 

The vision is to leverage this infrastructure to train medical personnel in the use of telecommunications and make a medical school specializing in this field. 

I would like to extend an invitation for this medium to assist in the design and work. Therefore, I encourage everyone to support this international effort of goodwill and development of science, intellectual and economic desrrollo this area. 


- Emid -...

1) Simulation Exercise: Telemedicine, Puerto Rico to Haiti

2) Provide a brief description of the learning outcomes were reasonable logic to the task or exercise suggested

Results: It is possible to assemble groups of professionals with common end and low-cost technologies to offer support is nonexistent third world countries in our region.

More than 100 people involved in a virtual classroom to give a dermatological treatment a patient previously chosen.

3) Provide a brief description of what the simulation can be and / or include. Things such as the content or the form, as well as general explanations of the type of simulation should get credit.

Perform virtually equipped classroom where students make a work table for 6 months.

These students have the field following specialties:

a) Nursing Assistant
b) Experts in the use of telecommunications
c) Cartography and mapping
d) Basic concepts of public health
5) mobile technology equipment, computers and internet.

4) Briefly describe the type of evaluation or rating rubric that would be used during the simulation.

Scores through exams will be made virtual and at one stage. And also with simulated testing practices in the field that they prepare students in workshops and learning.

Please view:



lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013

Business Development With Involvement Technological Innovation with Healthcare Professionals

By Dr. Emid Núñez Conde

Consider the sake of argument I made a model that brings together the activities and actions to promote collective participation, just read it. 

The problem of the creation of new technologies leads to a shortage of developers in the field of medical science and other sciences. 

The possibility that the knowledge that is expressed and is educated in such a way that attracts many students as possible to participate in workshops that they establish a production related to science communicators. 

Participation Workshop: 

I want to organize a workshop to improve student presentation at a professional level, live interactive students. 

Objective: Encourage students to discuss complex issues by studying in the cloud and in the presence. 

Instructional Objective: Develop skills education instruction with an open mind and encourage action for the realization of technological innovations such as express their business ideas and development.

Characteristics of Students: Intermediate and advanced. 


Each student has the ability to make presentations in groups of three people for points. 

Each group will have two weeks to develop skills to present and make a mini-workshop preselected topics and to achieve the objectives of the class. 

Each group of students who begin their introduction of electronic registration information provided and programmed into the cloud, it will launch a study in which all must be completed to achieve. 

Workshop Steps and Evaluation Mechanism: 

1) Breaking the ice: Each group of students participating in the development of the questions to break the ice, which is nothing more than a round of open questions to stimulate the onset of participation, collect data and classify the responses. 

2) Grilled meat: This time each group will prepare and produce a brief review of the research literature on the topic to present to their colleagues, published in the cloud and guides will answer questions from the survey. 

3) Community Participation: Each individual student community students to participate in a game in person in the class in two weeks, in the first weeks to answer questions to break the ice and then in the second week of the meat grill. And set up three questions for group gifts. 

4) Finally The Evaluation: Each student will face participation score for the presentation, the measurement system of the cloud and the projection of the group, all at a registered address. 

The interactive element and the game can be an innovative point my challenge as a teacher to investigate how to improve this system for efficiency and participation in the instruction.

Thanks for attention.